Pagan TV?
The Sorceress of He-Man Yes, there is! Check out what your kids are really watching nowadays, and you'll see a number of kids' programming that is really geared towards those of the Pagan paths. An excellent example is "Captain Planet" - the name says it all! You got five kids from different parts of the world who join forces to help Gaia (the Goddess!) protect the planet. Each kid is assigned a ring, for earth, fire, wind, water, and heart (sound familiar?) - and by combining them, they summon their green and blue guardian superhero, Captain Planet!

Other shows include Pokemon (who can argue with the creatures' powers?) and Mythic Warriors: Guardians of the Legend, which is all about the Greek dieties! (CBS and Nelvana are no longer listing this program, and I'm having a hard time finding more info!) Little Bear, The Comfy Couch (who celebrates *simiar* Holidays), Bear in the Big Blue House (who's often seen chatting with Luna) and DragonTales are great for the smaller kids.

Now if they could just start playing He-Man and She-Ra again, we'd be in business!
(P.S., doesn't the Sorceress above remind you of Isis? Told ya it's Pagan TV!)

Captain Planet
Little Bear
The Comfy Couch
Bear in the Big Blue House*

* These links are trapped within frames. You will need to seek out the shows' titles and click from there.

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