Deck: Robin Wood

Deck: Robin Wood

The Minor Arcana is brought to life in this radiant deck that is remarkably easy to understand and interpret. The entire Robin Wood Tarot is flavored with vibrant nature imagery and luminous energies that enchant and excite both Pagans and non-Pagans, experts and novices. The shining strength of the tarot deck lies in its depiction of the Minor Arcana. These cards took nearly a decade to design - they combine traditional tarot card designs and images with a more current symbolism to make this tarot more alive and accessible. It includes a detailed booklet which provides the upright and reversedmeaning of each card as well as three basic card layouts. Lively and infinately caotivating, this deck is a gift to your visual and pyschic senses, and it is certain to be considered a classic in the years to come. The deck includes 78 full-color cards with a 56 page instruction booklet.

Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange
Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange